Report of the mission in Ganta City (Liberia) from 8.-15. Feb. 2020
The team consisted of 3 members: Leo Mitteregger from Austria (general surgeon and team leader), Fernando de Santiago Urquijo from Spain (general surgeon) and Christine Kirchberger from Austria (scrub nurse).

The mission was planned several months ahead. For Christine it was the first visit in Africa. We met at Brussels airport and arrived together at the airport in Monrovia at Friday, Feb 7th in the evening. We were picked up by the medical director of E.&J. Medical Center, Dr. George, and his driver. We did not have any problems with our extensive luggage at the customs. We brought appr. 100kg additional luggage because of many useful medical items. The trip to Ganta took almost 5 hours directly to Jackie’s guest house where we had our lodging and our meals (breakfast and dinner).
Next morning, Saturday, 8th Feb., we had a welcome celebration in the waiting hall of the hospital. Afterwards we checked some patients and selected them for surgery. There were so many patients so that we started in the afternoon right away using two theatres – one for adults, one for children.
Till Feb. 14th we operated 36 children with 42 interventions and 36 adults with 40 interventions. Each child got two soft toys, one before and one after the operation. Twice we had a break because of a Cesarian section done by Dr. George himself.
Every day after finishing work we did a ward run to check the operated patients and examined the patients for the next day.

At the end of the mission each of us had to pay 670 USD for lodging and meals for 7 days. In addition we were requested to pay 450 USD for transportation (Monrovia – Ganta – Monrovia, guest house – hospital and retour). After a short discussion we paid 300 USD (100 USD each). That’s why we would say that Liberia is rather expensive.
Nevertheless we enjoyed our mission very much and the response of the staff and of course of the patients was great and rewarding.
I think we will come back again to Africa.
Leo Mitteregger