On 29th October a team built by Professor Campanelli reached the “Hopital la Croix” in Zinvie, a compound managed by Fathers Camilliani. Over the past years, the efforts of Professor Campanelli have addressed the problem of the treatment of abdominal wall defects in under-developed countries and on this special occasion, with the help of Day Surgery Onlus Foundation and Gruppo San Donato.

For the very first time, the group was nearly all composed of Italian professionals, with only an American nurse. Three general surgeons, two anesthetists, one resident in general surgery, two scrub nurses, four nurses and one medical student compose the team.

The arrival of the team had been announced during the previous days so that every patient complaining of symptoms regarding the abdominal wall had been visited and successfully treated. From 30th October to 3rd November, 45 patientes, both adults and children had been operated on. Not only open inguinal and umbilical hernia repair had been pergormed, but also complex incisional hernia repair and pediatric hernia repair under general anesthesia.

The team was warmly welcomed by Padre Mario, who with his constant support and sensibility made the work possible and rewarding. The entire team was well integrated thanks to the local staff which made easy the perioperative management of the patients. The well-known continuous research for improvements in abdominal wall surgery of Professor Campanelli, perfectly matched with professionalism of the team, reaching nearly the same results as performed in Italy.

Padre Mario made the team’s stay possible and comfortable; a apartment was offered and there was a place for the surgeons to relax and enjoy the local culture and dishes at the end of the day’s work. That made the team stronger and involved in their work.

The unique experience will last for years in the heart of the surgical team and the patients who were able to benefit from such expert surgeons. On the other hand, the work for the surgeon had been widely rewarded by the patient’s simple smiles and enthusiasm.
A very special thank to whom made this experience possible
Professor Giampiero Campenelli